It is with great pain in our chests that we say goodbye to our beloved old man, Nacho. For over 12 and a half years, Nacho warmed the hearts of everyone around him. This is not some cliché. He was literally a head-turner and people were drawn to his docile, easy-going, happy-go-lucky personality. Only one thing in the world could make him mad: he did not appreciate his curly little tail being touched, especially if you voiced out loud in Spanish, donde esta su colita! If you were bold enough to do this, he would protest with a deep rumbling in his throat, which would progress to a series of high-pitched barking assaults. In every other situation, Nacho was cool as a cucumber. As Nacho transitioned to old age, he began to develop a number of physical health problems. It was not a rare occurrence to find Nacho following other humans in the park due to partial blindness—he thought he was following us. His health problems began to take their toll, which broke our hearts. To ease his pain, Nacho was trialled on a number of different medications, some of which he seemed to thoroughly enjoy. His spirits remained high, and during the summer before his passing, he garnered enough votes in a pug-related contest to be crowned Prom King. This was an honor that he shared with his pug-wife and Prom Queen, Nena. Nacho also held the honor as the only dog in the universe that Nena could tolerate. Despite his declining health, Nacho’s appetite remained as strong as the little pig that he was. We affectionately referred to him as a dumpster. He loved pizza, bones, cake, and carrots, but also loved to sniff garbage and eat snow. It was very hard to watch him get sick, but he remained fat and squishy and malleable right to the end. Our stomachs are in knots, we have tears in our eyes, and the house feels empty. Thank you for loving us as much as we loved you. We miss you every day. Your widow, Nena, misses you too. Rest easy, beautiful boy.
June 5, 2006 to February 3, 2019