My sweet baby Deja Blue, As broken as my heart is, I know you are in a better place. Having to say goodbye to you was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I know your spirit did not want to leave us, but your little body simply could not keep up with your beautiful soul. I think back to the first time we met & how I fell in love with you that very moment when you put your paws around my neck, nuzzled your little face into my neck & held on as if you were asking me to take you home from the shelter & out of that tiny, cramped cage. So that is exactly what I did. And boy, I am so happy I made that choice. I could not have possibly wished for a better fur baby & companion for the past 15 years. I was thankful every day for the joy you brought to my life. I felt so lucky to have found you & I know you were thankful to be a part of my family too. Your sweet personality & intelligence is something that can never be replaced. I will miss you meeting me at the door daily when I come home from work. I’ll miss buying you dog puzzles thinking “will she figure this one out too?”. Of course you figured them out as soon as I gave them to you. I’ll miss your loud, comforting purr & you placing your paw on my hand while sleeping. I’ll miss everything about you Déjà Blue & I know I will likely never share the same bond with another fur baby. Not in the same way. There was only one you, Deja Blue. You were even featured on HLN in your Halloween sweater as the pet of the day!! You were a shining star in every way, my sweet. You are so very special to me my darling girl & I will miss you forever. If my love could have saved you, you would’ve lived forever. Fly free baby girl. Mama loves you. Rest In Peace my sweet angel. xoxo #adoptdontshop #loveyouforever
Deja Blue
2002 - 2019