

What Chili lacked in height, she made up for in energy. She loved being outside and she loved playing especially with her large red ring. She shared many adventures with her fur-sister Kaia and mom. Lots of time spent driving to the mountains and on road trips which was made …


August 4, 2004 - March 16, 2019

Jake truly was the best dog ever. Even tho he had brutal summer allergies that kept him itchy, scratchy and patchy hair sometimes, he always loved the summer trips we took with him. He was our shadow everywhere we went, whether it was camping, visiting family in Winnipeg or traveling …



Aira, such a weird pup. Constantly running up and down hills, ear-piercing bark, and obsession with water and rocks. Always making everyone smile. We were so lucky to have you and miss you so much.

Billy McDonald

June 1, 2005 - September 26, 2018

Billy was a faithful comrade, co-pilot (he loved car rides), companion and comfort for over ten years. I adopted him when he was just three years old, but really, I was chosen by him. A gift beyond my imagining that this beautiful being chose me to be his Mommy. To …