Our sweet boy, there are no amount of words that can tell you just how much we love you! Ben was an incredible dog, always waiting patiently at the door for us to come home and would always greet us with an incredible smile. Ben loved to play fetch and often lost many balls under furniture but always knew where they were for us to reach. He loved chewing on antlers and loved loved loved road trips. Ben brought so much joy into our lives and we are so grateful to have him been a part of our family. We always knew when someone was at the door or in our yard, because Ben knew he had to protect the fort. This sweet energetic boy passed on Aug 8 2016 as his pain from hip displacia and knee issues were preventing him from being his fun carefree self. We will forever have you in our hearts and there isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t miss you. You weren’t just a friend to us you were family. Don’t feel bad sweetheart we’re ok. That’s good eh pup.