We had to say goodbye to our grey tabby Shenzi On Dec 5th, 2016. She was a small cat with a BIG personality. Everyone said she was more like a dog than a cat. She would fallow me everywhere, drool when comfortable cuddling you, and she had the loudest meow I have ever heard. Boy did she ever tell you when she wanted something. We then said goodbye to our other sweet kitty Suri on May 21st, 2018. Suri was the complete opposite from Shenzi. She was quiet and very timid. She had the sweetest squeak of a meow, which sometimes was so small no sound even came out. She was very cuddly and would give the best headbutts on my chin. We miss you two kitties very much and not hearing your meows or having your paw in the face wakeup calls will strangely also be very missed. Now you are together again. Love you both. <3
Suri and Shenzi