Smokey was born in Grassland with big blue eyes, 6 toes on all his feet and a kink at the end of his tail. He was the most loving, sensitive, goofy and friendly cat his family had ever met and he instantly stole their hearts. He made many feline friends outside and would even bring them home to share a bite to eat. He also loved his perch in front of the window where he could keep an eye on the birds and was always ready and waiting there for play time with Dad. To his family and friends he was the softest, snuggly, loving, chillin’ and human-like companion they have ever known. He played fetch, loved to rumble and play, endlessly enjoyed belly rubs, always gave pets back and made cat lovers out of sworn dog lovers. Overall, Smokey had a great life filled with the most love that anyone could ever hope for. He made the bad times good and the good times even better. Smokey will always have a cherished place in our hearts where his spirit will live on forever.
Smokey (aka Smokey Muffin or Buddy)