From the minute he walked in the door it was pretty clear that Morris knew he had found his home. He’d already been through at least two homes before he came to us but we think he quite liked ours and he showed us his gratitude every single day. He greeted us like long lost buddies every time we came home from work, he carried our socks, underwear and shoes around in his mouth we believed so he could feel close to his family when we were away, and he gave us something to laugh about daily with his silly antics. With his one floppy ear, his love for toast and his always-present joie de vivre, Morris never met a friend he didn’t like nor did he ever fail to bring a smile to our faces on even the toughest of days. He was truly one of a kind. For now though we comfort ourselves with the thoughts of all the great ones he’s joined at the Rainbow Bridge and we know he will stand tall among them. “At night I sleep in Angel’s arms Her wings protecting me And moonbeams dance about us As stardust falls on thee. “So when your life on earth is spent You stand at heaven’s gate Have no fear of loneliness, For here, you know I wait.”