When Loretta came into my life I was living with my sister Michelle and we had just lost our mom to cancer. Our family had been through so much having to say goodbye to our beautiful mom much to soon. I thought having a couple kitties to cuddle would give us some comfort. So we went down to the SPCA where I met Loretta, gorgeous and fluffy and Michelle adopted Tigga, tiny and toothless. I would like to say they became fast friends but Tigga would let Loretta know with a stab of her claw if she got to close. Loretta would never fight back, she was patient and kind. When I met David she turned into a social butterfly, I remember the time we had friends over for drinks and she jumped up on a bar stool to join the conversation! She loved hunting moths from our balcony dragging them into the apartment for a feast. Anything with strawberries she couldn’t resist! Especially devouring the leafy tops. She enjoyed the last 5 years most of all, our yorkie Vesuvio joined our family and no matter how he tested her she loved him and was always patient with him. The two of them would venture outside together to eat grass and bask in the sun. My heart is broken and I miss her everyday.
2000 - 2018