
Loved McDonalds & loved by all eternally


I was very fortunate to have such an amazing animal in my life. I had fudge since he was a puppy, he was a puppy I got to watch from birth, and carry him from the house down the street in my hands. From there on we spend our lives together. He protected me, cuddled me, and had the best smile I’ve ever witnessed. He had so much love and joy. He was very needy, and such a demandibg boy. He ended up getting cushings, but touched through it, still getting his steps in, and smiling away. He loved car rides, bagels, McDonald’s and practically any human food. He was spoiled in so many ways. So many happy memories, and I loved him so. I’m happy fudgey will be chillin with his ladies and eating and peeing on literally anything he wants. I miss you buddy. Love mom