Born to Sweet Sierra & Schmalz’s Sir Duke. Of 5 brothers & 7 sisters. HE WAS THE ONE! Apart of a 5 year plan, the house was established, the fence was built, and no man in my life. With $800.00 to spend for Xmas the greatest of all plans came into place. I presented to the 3 easiest pushovers the Ultimate plan. “Do you want a dishwasher or a Puppy?” I won, WE won! Deposit made and a little waiting, and then he was here! Our family grew. Cruise was a very good puppy, no bad things come to mind. He was a quick learner performing an array of tricks. He was so loved. Hailey says he was Mischievous. When he was 5 we added a female and named her Sadie. No puppies came of their bond but friends they became, he always left her the last bite in his dish! Cruise was reluctant to let a man into our lives but his heart was won over when Zsolt shared his unconditional love. For the first time in a long time I had to share my love. It became our love and it made a Happy Home. I will Forever Grieve your loss my friend, you were my everything, my anything. I miss you so friggin much 🐾
Cruise Thomas
October 29, 2004-January 21, 2019