My sweet angel left me too soon. If love could have healed her, she would be with me forever. My spirited peanut fought to stay with me, but her health issues became too much. I couldn’t have hoped for a more loyal or loving dog. The bond we shared was very special. Cleo loved walks; rolling around in the snow until she looked like a big snowball; swimming in the river; her ball and stuffed animals; eating rabbit poo; and she adored her younger brother from the day he arrived. Cleo, I loved you from the moment I saw you at 17 days old. You had a big presence for such a little one and there is a void in my heart and in the house without you here. You are loved and missed by many. You are etched in my heart forever. You can now run, play and boss all the puppies and you will always be in perfect health. I love you forever. Michale and Casey
January 22, 2006-May 7, 2018