Billy was a faithful comrade, co-pilot (he loved car rides), companion and comfort for over ten years. I adopted him when he was just three years old, but really, I was chosen by him. A gift beyond my imagining that this beautiful being chose me to be his Mommy. To be away from Billy is to miss Billy. I am missing his presence at home so much. Such a big change, such a big void. I miss his comfort and appreciation and love. He had the sweetest temperament. There was nothing more heartwarming or mood lifting than coming home at the end of a long day to see my eager buddy and his white boots trotting to the door to greet me with his love and affection that seemingly lifted any of my stress. I miss my little shadow following me from room to room. I miss his little white mitts reaching around my neck as I would often be coaxed into a nap as we fell asleep facing each other, I loved drifting off listening to his purrs. I miss his secret language of unique meows, chirps and gestures that only I could interpret. I miss how he made me smile or laugh on a daily basis. So much more than a pet – a cherished family member and best friend. I wish more than anything I could of saved him. Hope you’re experiencing pure bliss in those beautiful gardens Billy. You are so missed. William. My first baby. Sweet little dove. The sweetest boy. Loving lamb. The most loving temperament. Prince of Purrsia. Baby raptor. My little dragon. My chubby starfish. My fluffy love cloud. My heart. My angel. Billy.
Billy McDonald
June 1, 2005 - September 26, 2018